Mindy's 101 list

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Location: Philadelphia area, United States

I'm 37 and live in the Philadelphia area.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Finished a few more list items

Let's see, I now have two more items finished. Yay! I did a bit of cleaning over the weekend and got rid of the perfumes I no longer wear. I hesitated on a few of them because the bottles were pretty and looked nice on my dresser. Then I realized that my dress looks like crap because there's too much stuff on there, so nobody sees the bottles anyway lol. They were from Avon so it's not like they were expensive. If I'm not going to wear the scent, I'm not going to keep it just for the bottle. And people wonder why I have so much clutter -- that kind of thinking is why. :)

I also finished "The Last Full Measure." Once again, I'm on the trainride home, reading about the surrender, how Chamberlain and Gordon respected each other, how the guys lived and died after the war, etc. It just makes me weepy and I need to be careful not to look like a complete dufus on the train.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Another one scratched off the list

I finished "Gods and Generals" this morning and immediately started "The Last Full Measure." I really enjoy these books. I noticed that B&N has the hard cover versions of Shelby Foote's Civil War trilogy on sale for $15 each -- that's less than the price of the paperbacks! I figure they have a lot of extras and they are big honkin' books, and that's probably why they are on sale. I think I will take advantage. :)

Some items on my list are going to change, though. As I mentioned when I first started the list, many of them involve buying something and that bothered me. I've come up with some replacement items for some of these. I was going to replace one with "Buy a car" as I have to do that anyway, but I decided against it. These are goals I want to reach, not a laundry list of things I have to do either way. I want to reach my goals despite some of the obstacles placed in my way, such as having to make car payments again.