Mindy's 101 list

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Location: Philadelphia area, United States

I'm 37 and live in the Philadelphia area.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Finished Angel of Love!

There's one more scratched off my list! I've been working on her a little here and there for over 5 years. I finally decided enough was enough and finished her on Sunday. The funny thing is that it's not the patchwork, beading or metallics that bothered me, but the huge "boring" parts with all the blue and white. Of course, with that busy skirt the other parts need to be very subtle, but it took me a long time to stitch all that when I had other more colorful things to stitch.

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Friday, November 10, 2006


I wanted to come by and see where I am with my list. I know some of these are in progress, but I need to see it in "writing."

1. Finish Angel of Love -- Almost! I finally finished the stitching and am well into the beading. I'm going to be thrilled to be done! I think she's pretty, but the fabric has been driving me nuts for years and I didn't want to start over. No more Wichelt for me. :)

2. Get to Goal Weight -- Well, I started the Six Week Body Makeover last week and I'm doing pretty well. I'll know for sure on Monday when I weigh and measure myself. Even if I don't lose much, I know I'm doing something good for myself: cutting out most sugar, salt and soft drinks, drinking even more water than before, cooking my own food and ordering in less.

3. Read "The Discovery of the Titanic" -- Hey! I finished this about a month ago and forgot it was on the list! Yay - something I can cross off today!

4. Take a class on writing or PR -- Hey! Another one I finished! It helps that it's part of my development goal for work and they paid for me to attend a few classes at La Salle's Nonprofit Center.

5. Attend a Stitch-In at Haverford Library -- Well, I checked their schedule and they no longer have the Monday evening get-togethers. I'm replacing it with "Read 'Last of the Mohicans,'" which I recently started and is on my book list.

6. Rent all the Buffy DVDs and watch -- I'm almost done with season 2.