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Location: Philadelphia area, United States

I'm 37 and live in the Philadelphia area.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Another one scratched off the list

I finished "Gods and Generals" this morning and immediately started "The Last Full Measure." I really enjoy these books. I noticed that B&N has the hard cover versions of Shelby Foote's Civil War trilogy on sale for $15 each -- that's less than the price of the paperbacks! I figure they have a lot of extras and they are big honkin' books, and that's probably why they are on sale. I think I will take advantage. :)

Some items on my list are going to change, though. As I mentioned when I first started the list, many of them involve buying something and that bothered me. I've come up with some replacement items for some of these. I was going to replace one with "Buy a car" as I have to do that anyway, but I decided against it. These are goals I want to reach, not a laundry list of things I have to do either way. I want to reach my goals despite some of the obstacles placed in my way, such as having to make car payments again.


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