This list may change over time as my ideas change, but I think for the most part it will stay as it is. I'm going to post this to my sidebar so I can easily see what is crossed off, but I don't officially start the "doing" until Monday. I wasn't sure how much time I'd need to come up with the list. A lot of what I have costs money, so that worries me a little. I may need to think of more things I can do for free.
So, in no particular order:
1. Finish Angel of Love
2. Finish Sleeping Beauty
3. Finish Misty Morning Vineyard
4. Start Egyptian Garden
5. Get to goal weight or measurements/size
6. Move into new apartment
7. Get a facial
8. Take a hiking vacation
9. Take a Gettysburg vacation
10. Visit Canada
11. Make definite plans to visit St. Petersburg, Russia -- make a definite date
12. Get rid of stuff I know I'll never stitch
13. Make a living will
14. Make a regular will
15. Join swim team
16. Take part in a biathlon
17. Read Harry Potter 7
18. Mentor a child
19. Volunteer at Civil War museum
20. Get rid of old perfumes
21. Go parasailing
22. Buy Tim something expensive he wants
23. Catch up on framing
24. Visit NYC
25. Frame Tim's dragons with pictures he took of castle in Germany
26. Buy new bedside table
27. Buy new bed frame
28. Buy new mattresses
29. Get more renter's coverage for stitching
30. Watch all movies on Greatest 100 list
31. Take a class on Philly history
32. Read a book that is out of my normal realm
33. LEarn how to stitch Hardanger
34. Relearn how to sew/use my machine
35. Buy new glasses
36. Host a holiday party/open house
37. Replace living room furniture
38. Buy better DVD storage
39. Read
Beowulf40. Read U.S. Grant's memoirs
41. Read
The History of Marriage42. Create map scrapbook for Sean
43. Find big Philly snowglobe for Sean
44. Read
The Discovery of the Titanic45. Send a care package to Adam
46. Send care package/donate money to soldier
47. Buy something for Mo she wouldn't buy herself
48. Get a cell phone
49. Buy a laptop
50. Buy Pagemaker and Photoshop
51. Visit Constitution Center
52. Attend a Quaker/Friends meeting
53. Attend a lecture at Barnes & Noble or Borders
54. Walk in the 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer
55. Buy a piece of original art
56. Take a stitching class at CATS
57. Take a class on writing or PR
58. Get a professional picture of Tim and me
59. Get WIPS to 10 or under
60. Take a ghost tour of Philly
61. Visit Eastern State Penitentiary
62. Attend a stitch-in at Haverford library
63. Become a local library member, of a member of the Philly library
64. Read a book by Pete Hamill
65. Collect all of Ralph Seager's poetry books
66. Rent all the Buffy series, and watch (of course)
67. Rent
Band of Brothers68. Try a new food
69. Play "Scene It!"
70. Host a dinner party
71. Host a Halloween party
72. Wear colord and/or patterned tights
73. Buy high boots
74. Go to Tangerine's in Philly
75. Spend a day at Hershey Park
76. Spend a day at Six Flags/Great Adventure
77. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
78. Buy a new tree skirt
79. Have 4 Christmas trees - normal large one, small: Victorian, blue & white, sci-fi
80. Hang curtains Karri gave me
81. Learn how to make good lasagna
82. Buy electric violin
83. Complete my Rush collection
84. Become a member of the art museum (Philly)
85. Read
Gods and Generals86. Read
The Last Full Measure87. Visit the Rosenbach Library
88. Donate to my alma mater
89. Go to the theater in Philly
90. Take a long Amtrak ride to a city and stay for a while, and return on train
91. Visit Independence Seaport Museum at Penn's Landing
92. Sea a concert at the Kimmel Center
93. Visit Atlantic City
94. Visit the Poconos
95. Join a local hiking group
96. Visit local aboretum
97. Visit Longwood Gardens during the holidays
98. Spend a day doing nothing but stitching and watching movies
99. Replace all my towels
100. Replace all my pillows -- couch and bed
101. Read
The Portrait of a Lady