Mindy's 101 list

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Location: Philadelphia area, United States

I'm 37 and live in the Philadelphia area.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Two more are done

2. Finish Liberty Sampler
I finished this by working on it like crazy on July 4th and finishing it on July 5th. I'm really happy with it and will probably end up giving it to my parents.

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27. Read Mary Hunt's Debt-Proof Living
I read this last week and got through it pretty quickly. I don't agree with everything she said but for the most part liked what I read. She and Dave Ramsey seem to pretty much be on the same page, but Mary tends to do a lot of little things at once whereas Dave tends to focus on one thing then the next. It really depends on what makes you more comfortable. I also like her Freedom Account idea. Dave talks about that idea briefly, but I think Mary does a good job of explaining how it works and going into details about some ways to make it work.